so dita von teese was in town last month to do a couple of cointreauversial performances and attend quite a number of events.
just as we thought there'd be no chance of meeting her,
we bumped into her as she made her exit from the singapore jewel fest at takashimaya!!
i approached her asking if she'd sign an autograph for me but the security guard surrounding her sort of try to push me away,
but lucky me,
dita heard me asking and she said, yes and she walked right over to me,
and signed a couple of autographs.
though she did mention that she was in a hurry so she couldn't take a picture,
i totally understand cause she's got a show to go to in under two hours!!
i was shaking with excitement!!
cant believe we met her,
she was so pretty and so doll-like!!
she's like a walking porcelin doll!!
and honestly,
she is one of those celebrities whom i think look exactly like how she looks like in photoshoots!
i wish we have had taken a picture together just to prove my point..
but here's a sneaky shot i took as she's walking away to her vehicle.. heh
and here's my dita autograph, which left me a happy bunny hee :P