Jayesslee, 07 July 2011 |
Caught them just as they got off their 8hour and they sure do look really tired! However, they stopped to say hi, posed for pictures and signed autographs for the group of less than 20 without hesitation.

I think these girls are going to be pretty huge once they get themselves signed to a major label, though I think they could probably pull a Marie Digby who is signed to a label who continue to use Youtube as a mean to promote themselves heh heh
Well, I haven't heard much of them before meeting them but I did realize there are heaps of people who have heard of them and loved them but I gotta say, they sure are talented and their voices are very soothing to listen to (:
Me likes the cover of Wonder Girls' 'Nobody', but at the same time, I think they did not fare too well on 'Price Tag' by J-J-J-Jessie J, just my two cents ha ha
Nobody, nobody but youuuu...
Just wanna make the world danceee..
What do you think?
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