he went on to put up a show for his enchancers at powerhouse st james power station
well, the place was filled with kids between 12 and 16 year olds,
it's understandable though since greyson chance himself is only 14 heh heh
so just before the show,
the 987fm deejays were on stage to hype the crowd just before greyson takes the stage
and as soon as the clock strikes 07:00PM,
greyson chance came on stage
and the crowd went wild, literally.
from screams to banners and the only short was panties being thrown on stage.
well, just saying heh
and they had fans on stage
and guess what?
there was a supposed 'fan' who doesnt know the name of greyson's album,
i mean, reallyyy?
werent you a big anough fan to get a copy of the album to gain entry into the showcase?
oh well..
so long story short,
game ended, show started.
and he was on the piano for the intro before he launch into the chorus when a backing track came on.
the second song he did was the title track 'hold on til the night'
which was done solely on the piano and it really showcased his vocals and
it was very beautifully done..
'home is in your eyes' was the third one he did,
which was one of my personal favourite besides 'summer train',
he explained how the song would remind him of someone's eyes back at home in the states
and whle he's on tour,
the eyes would belong to the fans..
aww, such a sweet talker, right ha ha
or ellen's attention,
which was a cover of mother monster's 'paparazzi'!
i personally LOVED it though ha ha
okay i could be biased :P
which i believe is a song about a girl whom he's fallen in love with.
quite shocking if you ask,
cause i never knew a 14 year old would know what falling in love is..
ha ha
so shortly after some chanting of 'GREYSON! GREYSON! GREYSON!',
he came back on and he said,
'how would i leave without singing this one..'
of course, his debut single
'waiting outside the lines'!
indeed, those enchancers have been waiting outside the lines to enter powerhouse since as early as 8 in the am!
can you believe it?
well, i can!
you never know what singaporeans would do to achieve somethingg.. heh
in any case,
greyson chance was really good
both singing and playing the piana,
cause i for one do not know how to play that instrument heh
was a showcase worth checking out despite the rainy weather..
and big thanks to JOYCE for letting me use these photos!