so, after the
SPECTOR gig, thanks to the ever-nice people at universal music singapore..
we met the band in an exclusive meet and greet with the band!
they are a bunch of funny, crazy and random guys, no kidding.
thinking about what had happened still made me L O L!!
yes, THAT funny!
to the point where even as we were trying to snap a picture,
they can come up with funny remarks!!
THOMAS SHICKLE was the first one i went to, i told him i liked his blonde hair.
he said he just had it dyed just before asia and that he liked my spiky hair-do – well, thank you! :P
then we took a picture, he realised i was doing a self-shot and he was too tall..
‘ahhh that’s my cue to bend down!’ – HA HA!!
then he proceeded on to sign some autographs for me and then he passed it on to the next one.
next it was
JED CULLEN – looked really confused like he didn’t know what to do, so i signalled to him to sign..
then he was trying to talk and sign at the same time..
problem was – he could not multi-task! HA HA!
he was trying to REMEMBER how to sign while holding that conversation!
then we took the picture..
after the photo was being snapped, he said he wanted to have a look.
and so i showed him the photo and asked is it was okay..
he looked like he wanted to say something but gave up along the way (HA HA!)
and so i asked if he wanted to take another and he said yes.
we took the second one and he looked a little happier and said ‘okay’..
so during the time when
JED and i were snapping photos away, he’d already passed the stuff to be signed onto
DANNY was signing the autographs, he mentioned that one of the photo that I’ve printed was the first photoshoot they have ever done and he was obviously signing away heh heh
then we snapped a photo together.
his arms were around my neck and both my arms were in front of me and he asked
‘why would you put your arms around me?’ – AWWWWWW!! :P
and as stunned as i was, i did what i was told ha ha
well.. #cheapthrill!! HA HA!!
CHRIS BURMAN next, which was a very brief one, i asked for a photo first.
and then I left him to sign for me while i moved along to the next one –
the first thing
FRED asked me was ‘why do you keep removing your glasses when you’re taking pictures?’
so I told him that i was vain and that i looked better without my glasses – HA HA!
and guess what his response was?
‘i think i look better with my glasses on, like you! we should take two photos together then – one with and one without the glasses!’
and so we did snap two photos together! :D
and here's the other one, both without our glasses on.. heh heh
TAKE 2! |
following that was a group photo of us and the band..
pretty sure they snapped over a hundred of them but here are some that are on the universal music singapore’s facebook page :DDD THANK YOU!!
last bu not least.. here's my signed items from this cray cray band whom i am starting to adore very much.. :DDDD
OOPS - been such a long post.. :P
hope you've had a great read!