it was surprising how i could recognise him from afar and was stunned while he was walking towards me, faced down and when he looked up, he got a little fright as well! HA!
i made him sign some autographs for me – well you gotta be prepared for who is in town and open your eyes when you walk around!! #justsaying
and had a quick chat with him about jakarta, where he played for the first time the night before, ROBIN THICKE, who was also in jakarta playing at the same music fest as he was and how the MTV SESSIONS recording was ‘only a small acoustic gig and the show this time around is the big one’.
so on top of asking for autographs, i, obviously asked for a picture as well! :P
after snapping the first one with him, we looked at it and realised it was a little blurry.
though the encounter was a really brief and quick one, you could tell that he’s a funny and really nice guy.
he asked, “you alright? why you shakin’?’
“do you know what being caught off guard is? THAT WAS!!”, i replied after giving him a light smack on his right arm! HA HA!!
we both laughed and decided we need a second picture, so the one above is the second picture we took.
while this one here, is the blurry/shaky one heh heh

and after the pictures, i decided to let him go do whatever he had planned to and i swear im already looking forward to meeting him again, hopefully, when he returns.. :D
here's leaving you with the signed stuff from the man himself.. :DDDD