Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Saidah Baba Talibah or SBT for short, was in town together with her Canadian friend, Hill Kourkoutis to play at this year's Music Matters!

And prior to her arrival, i went online and googled her,
previewed some of her tracks on youtube and seriously,
gurrrrrrl is so damn fly no kidding.
love those vocals and love those arrangement on some of my personal favourites, 'Revolution', '(S)cream', 'Place Called Grace'.

love love loveeeee! :D

and upon meeting her for the first time at the Nokia party,
i told her all that and she was so shocked!
so cute to see her expression at that point -
must have been a surprise for her to know that i have heard of her music..
good surprise, me thinks! hee
and when we met her again,
she gave me a copy of her album and no kidding,
besides those that i have heard,
the ENTIRE album is actually pretty good..
it is soulful, it is rock-ish - me likey likey! :DD

besides her music,
she's also really really awesome live.
even though she was on keyboard duties with Hill & The Sky Heroes,
she is such a cool performer,
her killer dress sense, and the swagger she posseses,
you just gotta watch it to believe it! ha ha

here's a picture of SBT performing live at Clarke Quay just last weekend! :D
Saidah Baba Talibah or SBT
performing with Hill & The Sky Heroes
Clarke Quay
25 May 2012
here's what she signed for me with 'SO MUCH LOVE'!! :DD