so JOSS STONE fina-fina-finally made it to our shores as part of this year's MOSAIC MUSIC FESTIVAL!!
it's been over TEN YEARS since she debut on our radio with FELL IN LOVE WITH A BOY and she's since released 6 studio albums and she FINALLY landed on our shores!!
met her shortly after she landed here and she was obviously shocked to see that there were fans, us, waiting for her!!
and when she asked what my name was and learnt that i have the same name as her brother, daniel, she explained that the lyrics in one of her songs, BIG 'OL GAME, was about her brother..
the next second, she started singing acapella that few lyrics..
she is so so sweet and she looked really pretty too heh
and when i stressed that we've been fans since FELL IN LOVE WITH A BOY, her reply was..
"i didn't know i had fans in Singapore.. i hope i don't disappoint at the show!!"
is she sweet or what?
anyways, she snap some photos with us and signed some stuff before catching up with her entourage..
and here's another photo with her..

and here's what she's signed for me.. :DDDD