Saturday, June 1, 2013


these aussies were in town to play at the this year's music matters live and i bumped into them after they were done with their first of the three shows here on our shores, at the beer market!!

i gotta say that the brothers ANDREW and HARRISON KANTARIAS are so bloody cute and tiny and they have such gorgeous eyes. and JAE CURTIS looked somewhat like TAYLOR LAUTNER!!

HARRISON decided to ask me what they should have for dinner and as soon as i suggested the classiest food of them all - MACCAS, both ANDREW and HARRISON looked really happy and excited (er.. why?) while JAE stood glued to his communication device heh heh

no kidding - HARRISON is such a cutie.. those eyes.. <33 how could i have let him leave our shores without a photo of just us two? :P

here's what the boys signed for me :DD