let's make this a partial photo entryy.
let's start with the longgg anticipated bangkok trip earlier this year with three other princesses/sisters/brothers/whatever-you-like-to-call-them.
okayy, goodbye singapore! (for a couple of dayss..)
l o v e tesco! HAHA!!
beautiful thais!
last but not least.. jj market a couple of hours before take off.
pretty summarised isnt it?
and ohh!
this would be the last time you're seeing photo blends here..
one reason..
cause i doubt i would have the energy and time to do all these in the future.
here comes a couple more photos of mr fergie and i at the zoo.
here are snaps of us with the late ah meng ('s statue).
and this is ah meng's resting placee..
these are my favourite! PENGUINS! =D
and j fergie's favourtie - goats! HAHA!
that's it for photos.
some photos form the exhibition are with gabriel and eleanor.
and photos of us clubbing last friday night which are in my handphone.
heh heh heh.
need to get from them before posting..
another week or so.. perhaps.
these days i dont feel the rush to stalk celebrities..
the last stalk was my chemical romance..
which was back in last novemberr..
the next one which i am looking forward to is sodre lerche..
let's hope it'll be a successful one.
i'm so gonna make him the first celeb to hold the above blog sign and pose.
he should feel so honoured.
since the stalking is going down,
school assignments' seemed to have some drastic improvement.
which i think i should be commended for.
wait till i finish snapping photos of the stuff i've done,
i'll put them up.
i think i wanna join the singapore art street thingy in june.
for four days at hougang,
with rischka, das, jasmine andd.... god-knows-who.
time for some bombing action which the NEWater project will love me for contributing..