Thursday, February 28, 2008


so mr reptile a.k.a the perverted lizard has gone into hiding.
good for it.
i hope it will continue going into hiding and dont come out during my shower timings.

lunch with farouk, lester and the usual suspects,
rischka and amalina.
it's good sometimes to meet people you usually club with in the day.
they can be potentially different.

i realised something about my eyes..
they are just a little too tired for computer screens.
digital media class was a mess.
i planned to do a lot but i ended doing very little.
super off target i tell you.
though i went back to school after work at sis' office,
i still didnt do much.
the screen gives off an aura which asks me not to go close to it before it explodes and all my work will be gone.
so i decided to go for my chapati dinner.

when i got back,
i slacked the whole time.


i havent seen shihan for three days already.
saw her msn nick..
she's ill.
fever apparently.
let's hope she'll be fine tomorrow.
our little group of four seemed a little odd without one.

get well soon babyy!!

mr j fergie is going back home in four days.
cant believe it.
let's hope i make enough money to go up to scotland to visit him and spend christmas this year.
i am keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed to make it happen.
pray for me and wish me luck.

damn lester.
all because of what he said makes me feel the urge of wanting to go to club tomorrow.
bloody hell.

suddenly i miss bff manfreddd.
one week seemed to feel like one month.
let's hope we manage to squeeze time to meet this weekend.


my eyes need a good rest.
glasses day tomorrow.

chao chao.