like what rischka has said before in her blog some months ago.
we have a life.
just that our life is school.
how sad rightt.
but, for me,
thank god for the occasional fridays, saturdays and sundays nights.
friday night was a great night out with manfred, farouk and lester.
i like being high and doing some quite stupid stuff.
next week is shit.
0900 hrs. - 2100 hrs.
that's 12 hours with a three hour break.
and it's for two weeks.
digital media make up class.
worst of all,
an "at least six page proposal" is due tomorrow!!
which i just got started last night minutes before midnight.
history lesson.
hate the damn lesson.
worst still,
essay draft due!
i'm sooo gonna do it later tonight and tomorrow afternoon during the three hour break..
if not,
i'll be digging my own graveyard.
back to proposal for now.
i am blogging this on MY own computer.
it's vista.
quite sad.
so far it's loving me and i'm loving it.
zouk flea later anyone?
see you there!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
kate tunstall. kt tunstall.
kt tunstall is in town.

i think her concert just ended.
as much as i wanna go to the show,
i dont have spare cash to go grab a ticket and go to her show.
such a shamee.
nonetheless, i bet it was a great show.
from 'suddenly i see' to 'funnyman', to 'saving my face'..
and i couldnt help but youtube her live performance earlier to help me get by the miserable hours i think she's playing at suntec.
looking on the bright side,
i got the chance to meet her, twice.
here's how she looked with her geeky specs,
with absolutely NO make up,
and when she just got off the plane..
isnt she cute?
and here's how she looked earlier today after she met some of the regional press and before she head for lunch..

it's crazy.
and i mean it's crazy cause when i first met her,
i actually cried in front of her.
which explains why my eyes are a little red-dish in the first photo.
she is such a tiny, nice, sweet and beautiful lady.
i'm so so honoured to have met her
after hearing so much about her from jamie.
and i got something signed for him as well.
he was just as shocked as i was.
judging from the channelnewsasia interview this morning i watched on the bus,
i think she is also a very smart woman.
enough of kt.
the more i think of it,
the more sad i am for not going to her concert.
i hope glenn will tell me more when i talk to him.
that lucky boy went to the concert.
i am so jealous..
so this week's painting class..
somehow when i got pissed off and all,
i have the tendency of screwing things up.
but all that,
in a good way.
when i turned around to tell das how rubbish-y i think my painting was,
rischka's best friend, ckb, came over and praised me for my choice of colours.
seconds later,
rischka came over and told me the same thing.
i snapped a photo for you guys to see..
tell me what you think.
seems like i need to get pissed off more often with the surrounding during painting class.
i'm so sad that there's digital media make up class next monday and the following monday in the evening.
cause it means i cant go to movida and watch this hot french guy perform.
cyril niccolai that is.
i am thinking of skipping it since we'll just be there to do our own stuff.
i doubt i will do it when i get home.
i will think about it thoroughlyy.
by the wayy,
i cant believe march is ending soon.
just when i felt like the year just started,
i'm already towards the end of the first quater.
so far,
it's been a good year.
i think i am going to bed soon.
pretty tired from doing nothing and lazing around.
it's been a good day..
i wanna PLAY tomorrow..
Monday, March 24, 2008
i love this title.
my favourite to date.
i cant believe how nice the boys from maroon 5 are.
they are simply..
sooo freaking friendly and like what our thai friend, pat, says..
it's unbelievable!
the man slut and his gang signed both my albums, acoustic album, dvd and my 'this love' single.
oh my god.
it's still indigestable.
whatever it is..
i officially like jesse.
the keyboardist jesse carmichael.
he is such a sweet ass.
i love the way he looked at me and go..
'dont worry, i can sign it for you again'
when he has already signed the album once.
and james velentine,
one of the guitarists,
he was like..
'we havent taken a picture together.'
when i asked the other guitarist, mickey madden for one.
adam levine,
he looked pretty confused.
but you know,
dumb guys are hot.
but to me,
he is above average but not my type.
so.... yea.
the other two..
i didnt spend much time with them..
so i cant comment on them much.
photos are in y'all!!
adam 'man slut' levine.

james valentine.

jesse 'very sweet' carmichael.

matt flynn.

mickey madden.

and because jesse was so sweet..
i asked him..
'can i be greedy and ask for another photo with you?'
he replied me with..
'yes you can..'
and so,
i scored another photo with him..
jesse carmichael, again. =D

thanks for reading.
and in case you didnt know..
the maroon 5's 'it wont be soon before long' world tour will be at the singapore indoor stadium on tuesday, 25th march 2008.
tickets should still be available through sistic.
have a great week ahead y'all!!
i love this title.
my favourite to date.
i cant believe how nice the boys from maroon 5 are.
they are simply..
sooo freaking friendly and like what our thai friend, pat, says..
it's unbelievable!
the man slut and his gang signed both my albums, acoustic album, dvd and my 'this love' single.
oh my god.
it's still indigestable.
whatever it is..
i officially like jesse.
the keyboardist jesse carmichael.
he is such a sweet ass.
i love the way he looked at me and go..
'dont worry, i can sign it for you again'
when he has already signed the album once.
and james velentine,
one of the guitarists,
he was like..
'we havent taken a picture together.'
when i asked the other guitarist, mickey madden for one.
adam levine,
he looked pretty confused.
but you know,
dumb guys are hot.
but to me,
he is above average but not my type.
so.... yea.
the other two..
i didnt spend much time with them..
so i cant comment on them much.
photos are in y'all!!
adam 'man slut' levine.
james valentine.
jesse 'very sweet' carmichael.
matt flynn.
mickey madden.
and because jesse was so sweet..
i asked him..
'can i be greedy and ask for another photo with you?'
he replied me with..
'yes you can..'
and so,
i scored another photo with him..
jesse carmichael, again. =D
thanks for reading.
and in case you didnt know..
the maroon 5's 'it wont be soon before long' world tour will be at the singapore indoor stadium on tuesday, 25th march 2008.
tickets should still be available through sistic.
have a great week ahead y'all!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
starhub's shit!
i swear and i swear and i swear..
starhub's shit.
in case you're wondering,
starhub is the internet connection provider for my house's connection.
for the god-knows-how-many-weeks of POOOOR internet connection.
when i say poor,
i mean..
when you are connected to the net,
modem has no problem,
on your pc, it says you're connected,
you get disconnected from the internet explorer, msn messenger, in short, EVERYTHING.
worst of all,
it still says i'm connected!
can you imagine the "pain" i've been going through?
no one pays for service and not getting anything in return!
no one, i mean NO ONE,
pay for poor service when you've been served for over two fucking years.
i seriously cannot take it anymore.
this is shit.
and guess what?
the next next next time i will be blogging,
i'll be on mio.
the singtel internet thingy.
and yes,
we're shifting to singtel.
S T A R H U B ' S S H I T ! ! ! !
and thank god for singtel,
we're getting a new computer,
or rather,
this is exciting.
but right now,
i'm still pissed.
this entry better get posted.
if not i will be so dam pissed and on monday,
i'm so so so gonna scream at EVERYONE i call over at starhub!!
starhub's shit.
in case you're wondering,
starhub is the internet connection provider for my house's connection.
for the god-knows-how-many-weeks of POOOOR internet connection.
when i say poor,
i mean..
when you are connected to the net,
modem has no problem,
on your pc, it says you're connected,
you get disconnected from the internet explorer, msn messenger, in short, EVERYTHING.
worst of all,
it still says i'm connected!
can you imagine the "pain" i've been going through?
no one pays for service and not getting anything in return!
no one, i mean NO ONE,
pay for poor service when you've been served for over two fucking years.
i seriously cannot take it anymore.
this is shit.
and guess what?
the next next next time i will be blogging,
i'll be on mio.
the singtel internet thingy.
and yes,
we're shifting to singtel.
S T A R H U B ' S S H I T ! ! ! !
and thank god for singtel,
we're getting a new computer,
or rather,
this is exciting.
but right now,
i'm still pissed.
this entry better get posted.
if not i will be so dam pissed and on monday,
i'm so so so gonna scream at EVERYONE i call over at starhub!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
dont bother asking me what the above title mean.
the STRIPES party last night at powerhouse kick-ass.
gracia brought her friend, yu yuan, along.
the five of us had such a blasting good time shaking our ass off.
(including shihan, farouk and myself..)
i love the way the balloons were flying down when they were playing 'tattoo'.
an awesome night indeed.
i cant wait for the next night out with them all over again.
it was such a shame that manfred, amalina and rischka couldnt join us.
so the history presentation is over.
well, sort of.
though i still need to make some improvements to it to make it better and "email her" since i dont quite have the time to verify if the thumbdrive would work at the classroom.
whatever it is,
i think she is just a waste of time.
she is such a bloody auntie-ish idiot which cant stop talking and frowning at the same time.
i feel sooo disgusted to look at her.
let's not talk about her..
on a lighter note,
today's a special day..

i wanna go on a short weekend getaway..
anyone keen on joining?
i am sick of singapore all over again..
speaking of which,
i think yvonne is back from her taiwan trip today.
let's hope she bought something sexy for me.
check out the msn in concert series.
they just uploaded the sugababes show.
i was so so high when i was watching it earlier today.
amelle looked soooo gorgeous.
i hope they will head our way for.. singfest maybe?
M A R O O N 5 and K T T U N S T A L L
next week.
i am assuming it'll be a good week ahead.
but before that,
back to school tomorrow and starting painting, drawing, gluing, pasting, etccc....
but, but, but..
i dont have a choiceee..
dont bother asking me what the above title mean.
the STRIPES party last night at powerhouse kick-ass.
gracia brought her friend, yu yuan, along.
the five of us had such a blasting good time shaking our ass off.
(including shihan, farouk and myself..)
i love the way the balloons were flying down when they were playing 'tattoo'.
an awesome night indeed.
i cant wait for the next night out with them all over again.
it was such a shame that manfred, amalina and rischka couldnt join us.
so the history presentation is over.
well, sort of.
though i still need to make some improvements to it to make it better and "email her" since i dont quite have the time to verify if the thumbdrive would work at the classroom.
whatever it is,
i think she is just a waste of time.
she is such a bloody auntie-ish idiot which cant stop talking and frowning at the same time.
i feel sooo disgusted to look at her.
let's not talk about her..
on a lighter note,
today's a special day..
i wanna go on a short weekend getaway..
anyone keen on joining?
i am sick of singapore all over again..
speaking of which,
i think yvonne is back from her taiwan trip today.
let's hope she bought something sexy for me.
check out the msn in concert series.
they just uploaded the sugababes show.
i was so so high when i was watching it earlier today.
amelle looked soooo gorgeous.
i hope they will head our way for.. singfest maybe?
M A R O O N 5 and K T T U N S T A L L
next week.
i am assuming it'll be a good week ahead.
but before that,
back to school tomorrow and starting painting, drawing, gluing, pasting, etccc....
but, but, but..
i dont have a choiceee..
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
coco and so much moreee.
so these few days my internet connection have been pretty unstable.
it's really pissing me off especially when i am no longer leeching anyone's connection but using my own paid connection.
bloody hell.
the starhub guy the other i talked to was really helpful.
then again,
it's the customer service hotline anyways.
colbie 'bubbly' caillat popped by our little town for her asian tour.
apparently, we're her last stop before she go off to the european countries.
thanks to cheryl, alan and joanne,
manfred, joyce and i managed passes to both her shows.
first one was on sunday at timbre.
it's sooo heart-melting especially when she sang 'the little things'.
if only she did 'feelings show'.
last night she was at movida.
performance, ace.
looks, ace.
presence, ace.
'feelings show'?
worst part is the fact that when i complained to joanne about her not remembering to sing 'feelings show', guess what she replied?
"aiya! listen to her cd la!"
i was dumbfounded.
manfred had to laugh out loud.
whatever it is,
she is good, and you should check her out.
manfred and i both forsee that a grammy is coming her way in 2009.
and the next time when she return,
you'll probably need to pay to watch her sing her heart out.
and here's a little picture of us together.
this is miss colbie "jennifer aniston blended with mariah carey" caillat.
and i think amalina is right about listening to colbie makes you be able to paint.
true enough,
i tried yesterday and i was able to paint pretty much better than the last term.
maybe i was just thinking too much..
but whatever it is,
i still think you should give her a chance and listen to her music.
and if you dig her,
you should check out her pal, boyfriend (manfred and i assumed he is colbie's boyfriendd),
jason reeves.
you can find him on his myspace on
my favourite song is 'just friends' and 'photographs and memories'.
tell me what you think.
i gotta publish this before anything screws up again.
kt tunstall's next!!
W H O O ! !
it's really pissing me off especially when i am no longer leeching anyone's connection but using my own paid connection.
bloody hell.
the starhub guy the other i talked to was really helpful.
then again,
it's the customer service hotline anyways.
colbie 'bubbly' caillat popped by our little town for her asian tour.
apparently, we're her last stop before she go off to the european countries.
thanks to cheryl, alan and joanne,
manfred, joyce and i managed passes to both her shows.
first one was on sunday at timbre.
it's sooo heart-melting especially when she sang 'the little things'.
if only she did 'feelings show'.
last night she was at movida.
performance, ace.
looks, ace.
presence, ace.
'feelings show'?
worst part is the fact that when i complained to joanne about her not remembering to sing 'feelings show', guess what she replied?
"aiya! listen to her cd la!"
i was dumbfounded.
manfred had to laugh out loud.
whatever it is,
she is good, and you should check her out.
manfred and i both forsee that a grammy is coming her way in 2009.
and the next time when she return,
you'll probably need to pay to watch her sing her heart out.
and here's a little picture of us together.
this is miss colbie "jennifer aniston blended with mariah carey" caillat.
and i think amalina is right about listening to colbie makes you be able to paint.
true enough,
i tried yesterday and i was able to paint pretty much better than the last term.
maybe i was just thinking too much..
but whatever it is,
i still think you should give her a chance and listen to her music.
and if you dig her,
you should check out her pal, boyfriend (manfred and i assumed he is colbie's boyfriendd),
jason reeves.
you can find him on his myspace on
my favourite song is 'just friends' and 'photographs and memories'.
tell me what you think.
i gotta publish this before anything screws up again.
kt tunstall's next!!
W H O O ! !
Friday, March 14, 2008
this is S O N D R E L E R C H E !
i've met him.
super uber cute in person.
especially the fact that he has this dumb-ish look on his face
which make him look even cuter.
to top it all off,
he has this attraction towards people.
so friendly,
so cute,
so short,
so dumb..
and of course..
so so talented.
okayy okayy..
enough of sondre..
as previously mentioned in the earlier entry..
this is...
trey lockerbie
andrea hamilton
singapore-based the disclaimers
one half of the disclaimers, miles mclean and me with his VERY geeky specs.
colbie caillat's next!
today was pretty accomplished in terms of the amount of work being done.
it's been a good and productive dayy.
but for now,
my bed is calling me..
Monday, March 10, 2008
damn damn damn dammit!
it's such a shame that the internet connection at home is super unstable.
then again..
i cannot complain since i've been "stealing" someone else's linksys.
heh heh.
so the weekend was good.
stayed in on saturday.
only bad thing was losing over 13 bucks on mahjong.
just when i was on the winning side.
oh well.
yesterday was at suntec with joyce.
it was craziness when you have a huge event like the one of the three IT shows.
it was so packed that i could feel myself "drowning" in that situation.
you know when you have various people shuffling those flyers in your face while walking.
it was generally many many good bargains for most stuff though we skipped the forth storey which was more on those computers, laptops and you-know-what-i'm-driving-at stuff.
was hanging out on the accessories.
joyce bought a webcam and a mouse.
happy woman she was.
so i've been "rejected" by the tuition center which explains why i'm in sis' office today keying in data of the evaluations from the event last week.
how boring but it's pretty good money, i think.
i bet rischka was having such a blast looking at primary five kids.
i cant wait for..
S O N D R E L E R C H E !
i am hoping i get the chance to meet him in person.
i can imagine myself looking at him and melting in front of him.
damn he's married..
there's this american guy who is in town for mosaic music fest also.
trey lockerbie.
apparently he's opened for the click five earlier when eric was still with them.
will be checking him out later with manfred and joyce at esplanade.
he's playing acoustic.
quite excited actually.
back to workk..
then again..
i cannot complain since i've been "stealing" someone else's linksys.
heh heh.
so the weekend was good.
stayed in on saturday.
only bad thing was losing over 13 bucks on mahjong.
just when i was on the winning side.
oh well.
yesterday was at suntec with joyce.
it was craziness when you have a huge event like the one of the three IT shows.
it was so packed that i could feel myself "drowning" in that situation.
you know when you have various people shuffling those flyers in your face while walking.
it was generally many many good bargains for most stuff though we skipped the forth storey which was more on those computers, laptops and you-know-what-i'm-driving-at stuff.
was hanging out on the accessories.
joyce bought a webcam and a mouse.
happy woman she was.
so i've been "rejected" by the tuition center which explains why i'm in sis' office today keying in data of the evaluations from the event last week.
how boring but it's pretty good money, i think.
i bet rischka was having such a blast looking at primary five kids.
i cant wait for..
S O N D R E L E R C H E !
i am hoping i get the chance to meet him in person.
i can imagine myself looking at him and melting in front of him.
damn he's married..
there's this american guy who is in town for mosaic music fest also.
trey lockerbie.
apparently he's opened for the click five earlier when eric was still with them.
will be checking him out later with manfred and joyce at esplanade.
he's playing acoustic.
quite excited actually.
back to workk..
Friday, March 7, 2008
so i missed the henderson secondary school's exhibition opening at the national library last evening.
i thought it was next week,
until zan called me while i was having dinner.
speaking of which,
she called me the previous day and ask me to play mahjong with her, clara and my childhood friend, monica.
too bad i have to do my little flash project.
which is now,
officially over.
i'm surprised some of them actually liked my work.
cause it was meant for kids.
in marienne's words,
i've matured.
i've matured to create art for kids.
not that bad of a compliment what.
and so i played mahjong with mum, sis and g last night.
won some money.
not enough to even it out what i've lost during the cny period.
then again..
mahjong is a thinking game.
i like it.
i am going for this little interview at ang mo kio later and see if i am qualified to be a teacher.
an english teacher in fact.
not exactly those moe type of teachers,
but those enrichment programmes ones.
you know those which you pay through your edusave ones?
yea, those.
i think.
i hope i get the job.
it's quite good money i must say.
i am so so so hooked onto those club remixes.
i am especially hooked onto the tattoo remix.
i am so in love with jordin sparks.
have you heard of her song, next to you?
go take a listen.
it's one of those songs which you can relate to easily.
so, mr j fergie is back home in scotland.
will i see him in december for christmas?
it depends on how much money i make by then.
not very optimistic but i gotta keep looking on the bright side.
imagine white christmass..
i'm back to reality in tropical singapore.
today's weather is pretty good isnt it?
no rain in the early morning..
for now, i need to go shower and get ready to go out to meet joyce.
so, till then..
okayy bye!
i thought it was next week,
until zan called me while i was having dinner.
speaking of which,
she called me the previous day and ask me to play mahjong with her, clara and my childhood friend, monica.
too bad i have to do my little flash project.
which is now,
officially over.
i'm surprised some of them actually liked my work.
cause it was meant for kids.
in marienne's words,
i've matured.
i've matured to create art for kids.
not that bad of a compliment what.
and so i played mahjong with mum, sis and g last night.
won some money.
not enough to even it out what i've lost during the cny period.
then again..
mahjong is a thinking game.
i like it.
i am going for this little interview at ang mo kio later and see if i am qualified to be a teacher.
an english teacher in fact.
not exactly those moe type of teachers,
but those enrichment programmes ones.
you know those which you pay through your edusave ones?
yea, those.
i think.
i hope i get the job.
it's quite good money i must say.
i am so so so hooked onto those club remixes.
i am especially hooked onto the tattoo remix.
i am so in love with jordin sparks.
have you heard of her song, next to you?
go take a listen.
it's one of those songs which you can relate to easily.
so, mr j fergie is back home in scotland.
will i see him in december for christmas?
it depends on how much money i make by then.
not very optimistic but i gotta keep looking on the bright side.
imagine white christmass..
i'm back to reality in tropical singapore.
today's weather is pretty good isnt it?
no rain in the early morning..
for now, i need to go shower and get ready to go out to meet joyce.
so, till then..
okayy bye!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
it's funny how dreams and the reality can connect.
it's just funny.
i woke up this morning with tears in my eyes.
so much that i felt as if i was drowning in them.
i dreamt of my late grandmother last night.
it's been such a long time since i last dreamt of her.
but last night,
she popped into my dream all of a sudden.
i dreamt that she came to my house buying pandan cake like she always used to.
then we were exchanging conversations like we would.
about school.
about tele programs.
the next thing i know when i switched position on my bed,
i was at her funeral.
i started crying in my dream.
it seems like everything is going in all the wrong directions and it reminds me of so much.
it's as if everything is repeating itself.
that same year when she passed away.
i was out and i was too tired to go to the hospital where she was at.
she was asking my mum and sis how come i still havent appeared.
the next morning,
i heard the news that she was gone.
i was the only grandson who didnt get the chance to say my final goodbye before she passed on.
it was heartbreaking.
utterly heartbreaking in fact.
i dont know what the dream was about but i do know i was so sad that my tears couldnt stop flowing.
when i opened my eyes this morning,
i realised that the pillow i laid on was wet.
i started to be reminded of what has happened in my dream,
and i started to cry again.
dearest ah ma,
i'm sorry i wasnt there when you asked for me.
and that i wasnt in front of you to say my final goodbye.
i was looking on the brighter side that you would live on and buy me more pandan cakes when you visit us.
i missed you.
i've never publicly announced that i miss you.
but i do.
it's so so sad to know someone who love me is gone.
it's even more sad to know you were one of the two living grandparents i have when i was born and i didnt appreciate you more.
i love you.
in my heart,
those pandan cakes are the one thing that directly connects me and you together.
you make me smile everytime i look, taste and think of them..
i love you.
on a lighter note..
i was happy last night before i went to bed.
pretty good news i must say.
potential good news.
to you,
i dont hope for the flower to blossom.
i just wish to know you more.
i just feel happy being with you.
you might be one of the persons with the lowest self-esteem alive,
but to me,
you're beautiful and you make me smile everytime i think of you.
your dumbness makes you cute.
those pouts are like a different smile which can make me smile too.
in short,
i think i like you.
i do like you.
oh well.
listen to the jessie mccartney song.
it's just funny.
i woke up this morning with tears in my eyes.
so much that i felt as if i was drowning in them.
i dreamt of my late grandmother last night.
it's been such a long time since i last dreamt of her.
but last night,
she popped into my dream all of a sudden.
i dreamt that she came to my house buying pandan cake like she always used to.
then we were exchanging conversations like we would.
about school.
about tele programs.
the next thing i know when i switched position on my bed,
i was at her funeral.
i started crying in my dream.
it seems like everything is going in all the wrong directions and it reminds me of so much.
it's as if everything is repeating itself.
that same year when she passed away.
i was out and i was too tired to go to the hospital where she was at.
she was asking my mum and sis how come i still havent appeared.
the next morning,
i heard the news that she was gone.
i was the only grandson who didnt get the chance to say my final goodbye before she passed on.
it was heartbreaking.
utterly heartbreaking in fact.
i dont know what the dream was about but i do know i was so sad that my tears couldnt stop flowing.
when i opened my eyes this morning,
i realised that the pillow i laid on was wet.
i started to be reminded of what has happened in my dream,
and i started to cry again.
dearest ah ma,
i'm sorry i wasnt there when you asked for me.
and that i wasnt in front of you to say my final goodbye.
i was looking on the brighter side that you would live on and buy me more pandan cakes when you visit us.
i missed you.
i've never publicly announced that i miss you.
but i do.
it's so so sad to know someone who love me is gone.
it's even more sad to know you were one of the two living grandparents i have when i was born and i didnt appreciate you more.
i love you.
in my heart,
those pandan cakes are the one thing that directly connects me and you together.
you make me smile everytime i look, taste and think of them..
i love you.
on a lighter note..
i was happy last night before i went to bed.
pretty good news i must say.
potential good news.
to you,
i dont hope for the flower to blossom.
i just wish to know you more.
i just feel happy being with you.
you might be one of the persons with the lowest self-esteem alive,
but to me,
you're beautiful and you make me smile everytime i think of you.
your dumbness makes you cute.
those pouts are like a different smile which can make me smile too.
in short,
i think i like you.
i do like you.
oh well.
listen to the jessie mccartney song.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
back to schooool.
as the title suggests,
back to school today for..
history make up class.
how sad rightt.
got up this morning minutes before 6
after boss jessie numerous attempts to wake me up.
she even told me she wanted to kick me.
today was the event day.
it was quite fun actually.
this event os one of the more successful one i think,
comparing those i've worked in.
i feel like i can do this for a while.
let's hope i can still do this while i'm waiting for enlistment.
depends on jessie...
fingers crossed.
back on track,
today the lecturer seemed to be having her monthly shit.
gave us this damn bitchy attitude which i dont think anyone of us deserve.
bloody hell.
my statement about her since week one sill stands.
cant believe we have to face her for another 8 weeks.
and there's this essay which is gonna due in under 5 weeks.
whatever it is,
the bottomline is....
i dont like history.
when i get home later,
i'm soo gonna die on the bed.
i miss my bed
though i am not that much of a home sick-er.
i am quite excited to see sondre lerche next week.
and there's harry connick jr, incubus and saosin this week.
in two weeks,
maroon5 and kt tunstall.
still wanna meet that scottish lass.
i'm very tired alreadyy.
fingers need a little rest for now.
chao chao.
jesse or jesse mccartneyy..
you were so deep when you wrote these..
this is exactly how i feel right noww..
just so you know,
this feeling's taking control of me,
and i cant help it..
wait, did you write these?
as the title suggests,
back to school today for..
history make up class.
how sad rightt.
got up this morning minutes before 6
after boss jessie numerous attempts to wake me up.
she even told me she wanted to kick me.
today was the event day.
it was quite fun actually.
this event os one of the more successful one i think,
comparing those i've worked in.
i feel like i can do this for a while.
let's hope i can still do this while i'm waiting for enlistment.
depends on jessie...
fingers crossed.
back on track,
today the lecturer seemed to be having her monthly shit.
gave us this damn bitchy attitude which i dont think anyone of us deserve.
bloody hell.
my statement about her since week one sill stands.
cant believe we have to face her for another 8 weeks.
and there's this essay which is gonna due in under 5 weeks.
whatever it is,
the bottomline is....
i dont like history.
when i get home later,
i'm soo gonna die on the bed.
i miss my bed
though i am not that much of a home sick-er.
i am quite excited to see sondre lerche next week.
and there's harry connick jr, incubus and saosin this week.
in two weeks,
maroon5 and kt tunstall.
still wanna meet that scottish lass.
i'm very tired alreadyy.
fingers need a little rest for now.
chao chao.
jesse or jesse mccartneyy..
you were so deep when you wrote these..
this is exactly how i feel right noww..
just so you know,
this feeling's taking control of me,
and i cant help it..
wait, did you write these?
conrad conrad conrad.
i'm at conrad hotel's lobby again.
legally leeching internet connection.
so slightly more than twelve hours at the airport.
shuttling between terminal 1, 2 and 3.
quite crazyy.
who says having such a big terminal was a good idea?
the amount of walking i've done is simple..
cant believe how tired my little toes are.
lester is a complete slut.
at least that's what i have decided to call him.
saw samantha at the airport as well.
some people were there to do some self-study for the their prelims this week.
so hardworking and so damn free to go all the way up to the airport.
i know rightt.
so apparently,
not only me skipped ckb's workshop.
that's a good thing to rejoice about.
that shows how popular he is now in the second year fine arts.
as i've mentioned..
it's getting late and my eyes are so damn freaking heavyy.
catch y'all later and..
anyone caught leap years?
i'm at conrad hotel's lobby again.
legally leeching internet connection.
so slightly more than twelve hours at the airport.
shuttling between terminal 1, 2 and 3.
quite crazyy.
who says having such a big terminal was a good idea?
the amount of walking i've done is simple..
cant believe how tired my little toes are.
lester is a complete slut.
at least that's what i have decided to call him.
saw samantha at the airport as well.
some people were there to do some self-study for the their prelims this week.
so hardworking and so damn free to go all the way up to the airport.
i know rightt.
so apparently,
not only me skipped ckb's workshop.
that's a good thing to rejoice about.
that shows how popular he is now in the second year fine arts.
as i've mentioned..
it's getting late and my eyes are so damn freaking heavyy.
catch y'all later and..
anyone caught leap years?
Monday, March 3, 2008
casual significancee.
"mmaybe we're friends, maybe we're moree
mmaybe it's just my imagination
aut I see you stare just a little too longg
and it makes me start to wonder
so baby, call me crazy
but I think you feel it too
mmaybe I, maybe I, just gotta get next to you"
-jordin sparks 'next to you'
in case you're wondering,
casual significance refers to some song lyrics which i can relate to at a particular moment.
mmaybe it's just my imagination
aut I see you stare just a little too longg
and it makes me start to wonder
so baby, call me crazy
but I think you feel it too
mmaybe I, maybe I, just gotta get next to you"
-jordin sparks 'next to you'
in case you're wondering,
casual significance refers to some song lyrics which i can relate to at a particular moment.
conrad centennial singaporee..
so here i am sitting in the lobby with one other guy opposite me using the net.
how desperate right.
i know.
that's one of the perks you get when you're a 'in-house' guest in a 4/5 stars hotel..
so glad they chose this hotel.
but this also mean i will be working so frigging hard for the next two days.
will be camping at the airport tomorrow to welcome people..
i like the pay so i wont complain that much.
PLAY-ed with lester and farouk last night.
it was pretty fun.
considering lester and i were only mild high unlike that farouk who was sooo frigging high.
all thanks to that drink we bought at tantric.
it was so damn strong i tell you.
tomorrow there's this workshop in school organised by ckb.
i am not going.
who cares about workshops when it's tutorial week right.
i mean.. PLEASE!
we barely have enough time to settle our digital media and we have to do go back and do more shit for nothing?
i swear i have better things to waste my time on.
i think i have crapped enough.
time for my bed now.
i will update more tomorrow since i have this non-disturbable internet connection here..
which is one of the best shit y'all!
okay, night and bye!
how desperate right.
i know.
that's one of the perks you get when you're a 'in-house' guest in a 4/5 stars hotel..
so glad they chose this hotel.
but this also mean i will be working so frigging hard for the next two days.
will be camping at the airport tomorrow to welcome people..
i like the pay so i wont complain that much.
PLAY-ed with lester and farouk last night.
it was pretty fun.
considering lester and i were only mild high unlike that farouk who was sooo frigging high.
all thanks to that drink we bought at tantric.
it was so damn strong i tell you.
tomorrow there's this workshop in school organised by ckb.
i am not going.
who cares about workshops when it's tutorial week right.
i mean.. PLEASE!
we barely have enough time to settle our digital media and we have to do go back and do more shit for nothing?
i swear i have better things to waste my time on.
i think i have crapped enough.
time for my bed now.
i will update more tomorrow since i have this non-disturbable internet connection here..
which is one of the best shit y'all!
okay, night and bye!
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