i think her concert just ended.
as much as i wanna go to the show,
i dont have spare cash to go grab a ticket and go to her show.
such a shamee.
nonetheless, i bet it was a great show.
from 'suddenly i see' to 'funnyman', to 'saving my face'..
and i couldnt help but youtube her live performance earlier to help me get by the miserable hours i think she's playing at suntec.
looking on the bright side,
i got the chance to meet her, twice.
here's how she looked with her geeky specs,
with absolutely NO make up,
and when she just got off the plane..
isnt she cute?
and here's how she looked earlier today after she met some of the regional press and before she head for lunch..

it's crazy.
and i mean it's crazy cause when i first met her,
i actually cried in front of her.
which explains why my eyes are a little red-dish in the first photo.
she is such a tiny, nice, sweet and beautiful lady.
i'm so so honoured to have met her
after hearing so much about her from jamie.
and i got something signed for him as well.
he was just as shocked as i was.
judging from the channelnewsasia interview this morning i watched on the bus,
i think she is also a very smart woman.
enough of kt.
the more i think of it,
the more sad i am for not going to her concert.
i hope glenn will tell me more when i talk to him.
that lucky boy went to the concert.
i am so jealous..
so this week's painting class..
somehow when i got pissed off and all,
i have the tendency of screwing things up.
but all that,
in a good way.
when i turned around to tell das how rubbish-y i think my painting was,
rischka's best friend, ckb, came over and praised me for my choice of colours.
seconds later,
rischka came over and told me the same thing.
i snapped a photo for you guys to see..
tell me what you think.
seems like i need to get pissed off more often with the surrounding during painting class.
i'm so sad that there's digital media make up class next monday and the following monday in the evening.
cause it means i cant go to movida and watch this hot french guy perform.
cyril niccolai that is.
i am thinking of skipping it since we'll just be there to do our own stuff.
i doubt i will do it when i get home.
i will think about it thoroughlyy.
by the wayy,
i cant believe march is ending soon.
just when i felt like the year just started,
i'm already towards the end of the first quater.
so far,
it's been a good year.
i think i am going to bed soon.
pretty tired from doing nothing and lazing around.
it's been a good day..
i wanna PLAY tomorrow..