one for some nokia private event and another to support and promote their album.
sorry but the publicity for this concert is next to the words 'really, really bad'.
i didnt know until i was randomly surfing and realised they were coming which was about two days before the event..
well done, i knoww..
but nonetheless,
pictures are in..
lead singer jason wade looks as hot as he looked on all those albums and singles cover.
only difference,
he doesnt look 'that' blonde..
but still very visual pleasingg.

h i l a r i o u s guyy with he and his 'have a good night, YALL!'
i like his tattoos thoughh.
heh heh.

this giant is indeed a giant.
he is so tall he is almost maksim,
but the rock sort..

tuned in to radio 100.3fm for stalkerazzi's first ever live radio interview at bout 9ish IN THE MORNING!
get your lazy bums up alright?
and, hey,
it'll be in mandarin and i'm scaredd.l
isten to my screw ups ehh.