seriously, if you asked me what that was, believe it or not, that's taio cruz's autograph.
kinda shitty to be honest.
obviously he was out to 'break break break your heart'.
and he wasn't close to friendly when you have to try and get to him for an autograph and
hello, he is not that famous to be honest.
and what was even more surprising was the fact that as he and his team walked out after collecting their baggages, the local representative walked up to him and said 'i swear i didn't tell anyone you're on this flight' or something along that line, apologetically.
oh well so we got him to sign reluctantly however, there were obviously no photos cause taiocrus is swagger lackin heh
and prior to him coming to asia (he played a show in kuala lumpur before landing on our shores), he wanted to trend #swaggerlackin on twitter and well, we all know now why he wanted to do that cause tat term, best describe him.