people often tell us how 'lucky' we are when it comes to bumping into celebrities but more often than not,
it's mostly all about being at the right places and at the right time.
truth be told - that was exactly what happened when i bumped into JOSÉ JAMES!!JOSÉ was in town as part of his world tour, supporting his most recent release NO BEGINNING NO END where he played to an intimate audience at TAB.
i was at the airport the other day for work-related business and i caught a glimpse of JOSÉ JAMES and his entourage, around the corner of my eye, walking to the check-in counter next to me!
he looked fresh and slightly surprised that he was stopped ha ha
i like throwing such surprises to these celebrities heh
JOSÉ also kindly agreed to a picture with me, despite being pretty early in the morning.
he asked where i was travelling to and i told him i was there for work.
shook my hand and wished me a good day ahead as i wished him safe travels to the capital of malaysia, continuing his world tour.
clearly, it was a shock to me therefore there werent any autographs heh
till the next time he returns..