so PATRICK J. ADAMS, who plays MIKE ROSS on SUITS, popped by for a few days as part of his asian tour, beginning in singapore :DDD
managed to meet him after the invite-only event at ROYAL ROOM, where he stopped for some autographs and a photo.
on this asian tour with PATRICK, was his girlfriend, TROIAN BELLISARIO who plays SPENCER HASTINGS on one of my favourite tele shows now, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS.
let's just say she is not the nicest persons we have ever met though she signed some stuff for us nonetheless..
so back on track with PATRICK, he is so bloody charming.. :P
he has the blue eyes, almost as blue as the sea in indonesia - very heart meltable..
i see why people are following SUITS, season after season.. heh
maybe i should start too ehh? :P
and here's leaving y'all with some stuff which he's kindly signed.. :DDD