i had a great two months there and i cant believe how amazing the people are and how attached i have grown on with them!
heh heh.
i was surprised with the amount of presents i got from the people i worked with and those i didnt!
big big hugs to everyone, namely salleha, ryan, michelle, tony, marina, rahimah, esther, yeeling, mee fong, sandra, shirley, hartini, bhuva and......
those unmentioned arent forgotten, okayy?
anyways, here are the snaps!
first up, my presents!!

a very nicely decorated canvas with the mariah carey's vinyl single with notes from the temp staffs!! THANKS RYAN, SHIRLEY, SANDRA, MARILYN, CHRIS & RANI!! :D
and now the wonderful people!!
ryan, michelle and marina! the cheeky/playful/ha-ha four of us! :P
ryan, salleha and boss yeeling!
the lovely lunch buddies (minus marilyn, chris and rani..)
ryan, shirley and sandra.. :)
emily (boss from other department), boss yeeling and ryan.
this is quiet-turned-bitchy and teasy tony LAI! HAHA!! :P
this is my direct upstairs (boss), rahimah! she looked a little pale cause she was really sickk. GET WELL SOON!! :)
this is other direct upstairs, esther!
fellow colleague, susan.
other fellow colleague, hartini.

and this is the super friendly personal assistant to the boss of the entire floor, doris. :D
and this is the boss of the entire third floor! ms lee. :D
and these next two photos are of people who are very dear to me. ryan and salleha! i'm gonna miss them so much i dont even know how to describe. remembering the conversations, emails, sms-es.. aww... :D they bring me joy and frustrations (in good ways.. HAHA!)
the trio in black!
there you have it!
the very fun office in the op claim department!
i'm sooo gonna miss them so, so muchh.
reality check,
back to school this coming mondayy.
i am not complaining..
i'm gonna see all those love faces all over again and strive together all over again!
did i mention i partied very hard last night and will do so again tonight?
i love all the photoss..
they look so nice, dont they?
could probably be because the fact that i look good with the new haircut!
have a great and safe weekend, y'all!!