Wednesday, August 27, 2008
fuck space.
i dont need anything from any secondary divas and nothing especially coming from some son of a bitch who knows completely nothing about me.
i mean.. please..
dont pretend you know me much when you're just another piece of weed creeping around the in betweens of cracked road tiles.
i dont need to be called 'emotionlly unstable' and i dont need you to judge.
so, please.
as a kind favour,
please fuck off..
as far as you're able.
much appreciated.
theatre's a bitch.
i dont understand why we're still trying to see things from her prespective when we each have a mind of our own.
in rischka's words,
"space maniac" indeed.
in other news,
the ever lovely su shihan turned twenty-three todayy!!
i have wished her twenty-three times verbally and another twenty-three on paper.
so this is my number twenty-fourth,
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y S H I H A N !
serena made a tray of blueberry jelly with a nice micheal phelps standee on it.
super cute i tell youu.
i better go back to my printmaking workk.
hope your week's been good.
mine is just.. idontevenknowhowtodescribe.
okayy byee!
Monday, August 25, 2008
she is one of the bestest classmates.
i told her that she cannot go on any mc.
cause without her,
i cant function in the printmaking room.
she is 'that' important and significant, alright?
hello hello to our new assignment.
this one is different.
some company is gonna commission 20 of us to do something for them.
exhibition in nov.
and all ideas and sketches due.. next fri.
as if we dont have enough printmaking stress already..
but this one we'll be paid.
and mr chiew thinks it's good money for us.
but it's even better money for the school.
cause the school just go there and negotiate a deal with them and make a 20% deal out of every workk.
well donee.
cool down, daniel.
let the research process begin!
a r g h !
whatever it is,
it's been a happy day and i shant spoil it.
let's hope this week will be a good one.
hello to avril next weekk.
for me it's more of deryck and getting my sum 41 stuff signed!
ohh did i mention bff is gonna take me to the avril concert with him?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
gimme gimme moreee.
i just watched the britney cameo on madonna's tour.
it's fandamntastic.
she looks so friggin' hot!!
please go youtube it.
it's damn goooood.
i cant wait for her to release her next album later this year.
it's brit brit y'all!!
i mean..
it's britney bitch!
and i have just re-embarked on my pushing daisies.
it's so good i watched two episodes straight.
and i have officially watched camp rock five times.
heh heh.
so much for laughing at rischka!
and also caught the american mall.
the male lead is scaryy.
i like the female lead thoughh.
the songs were pretty lame thoughh.
but, it's worth watching it..
trust me.
perfect sunday y'all!!
happy week ahead!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
this is real. this is me.
such a bliss.
but it's kinda made me feel very lazy and i just dont feel like doing anything,
at all.
now that's badd.
popped the weekend with the meet up with the fabulicious income ex-colleagues last eveningg.
we headed for dinner at esplanade at this place called..
(erm.. a name which sound kinda wrongg..)
food wasnt fantastic and the portion was small.
but the company was awesome.
couldnt and wouldnt trade for something else than thatt.
so after dinner,
there was fireworks..
i am still not a fan of those stuff.
never interest me.
in fact,
it scares me.
i know,
go ahead and laugh at meee.
heh heh.
i just caught the new episodes of project runway and project runway australia.
they designed for drag queens and kelly rowland respectively.
a real challenge and apparently,
the best episode so farrr.
i l o v e i t.
and i just caught camp rockk.
rischka, laugh at meee.
i actually liked it.
god it's better than high school musical.
and joe jonas is pretty good looking from certain angles isnt he?
heh heh.
like what rischka said,
cheap thrill.
indeed it was..
that's what happened when your saturday has no plans and it's wet, cold and lazyyy..
but it's all goooood.
sometimes it makes me wonder if human beings actually understand.
like.. sometimes,
when we talk, we tend to be a little careless with our choice of words and the lack of certain details hence,
leaving the opposite party a little sense of confusion and not knowing exactly what we are trying to put across..
and on the other hand,
when we get to specific, they push their luck and continue doing things that would turn you off completelyy.
i think it's pretty obvious who i'm talking aboutt.
i'm very sure you understood what i told you before considering english is your primary and secondary language..
and you're supposed to be super advanced with your command in english.
so, please..
just leave it and leave me alone,
for good.
much appreciated.
thank youu.
in any case,
hope your weekend's going well..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
dont get me wrong.
i am totally cool with it.
all thanks to rischka who started the whole thing
with mohan continuing it.
i think as much as the stress level in school is hitting the maximum level,
i, or rather, we, have been finding more excuses to slack more than ever.
which is not too much of a bad thing.
which means we are working hard and partying hard at the same timee..
which britney will prolly shout,
'party on me y'all!'
i feel happy.
i am happy i dont even know why.
trust me,
not boys related.
just happy in general.
lunch with ryan and marine yesterday was awesome.
what was even better was the fact that i met many familiar faces after lunch back in office.
they are still ohsolovely..
to me, they are such wonderful colleaguess.
i cant wait to go back there to workk for them again.
i heard that they are all gonna ot this weekk.
poor themmm..
looking forward to the dinner date on friday with most of them.
people who cant make it,
i will hunt you down personally.
nah, just kiddinggg.
heh heh heh.
anyone heard michelle williams' unexpected album?
damn it's good.
sorry kelly, but michelle's doing better on this one.
i am still not a fan of beyoncee.
like honestlyy.
and and andd..
i miss manfredd.
i havent seen him all week.
since last wednesdayy.
and joyce is in down under.
apparently she is having a friggin' good time there.
whenever she goes overseas for work,
it seems like she is there on an all expenses paid holidayy.
damn that girl sure knows how to enjoy!
and by the wayy,
i am too tired to continue.
and guess what?
since i got back at 4ish till now,
i havent started doing anything or anything close to school.
been online, project runway australia-ing and clothes planning..
S H I T !
on the brighter note,
in oct, it's HELLO BALI!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
hello week fivee.
it was pretty crazy cause the initial interview took over three hours.
and to shian, i bet you spent a couple of nights typing it out and collating everything.
thank you new paper for that 'publicity'.
the weekend was pretty nice.
clubbed on saturdayy and god,
it was pretty nice till some drama shit happened.
details are better left unsaid and unmentioned.
but all in all,
it was a pretty nice evening.
yesterday afternoon was spent at the nafa gallery.
i was taking care of the works and looking after the gallery.
quite nice and easy money.
but if i didnt club the night before,
maybe it'd have been better.
some visitors asked me very weird questions.
but oh well..
i managed to bullshit my way throughh.
heh heh..
week five started.
stress level hitting max.
but i still need to have a pretty nice time management to play and to workk.
i'll suffer.
printmaking is making me excited and confused at the same time.
sorta scary to be thinking of what is gonna happen next.
the next technique we'll be touching is the copper plate thing.
which is a complete time consumer.
thinking back,
the previous two assignment arent fully done yet..
i think it's time for an early nightt.
these rashes on my neck and my arms are killing me.
i will pay the doctor a little visit tomorrow and hope it's nothing too serious.
fingers crossedd..
income for lunch tomorrow.
and friday for dinner.
sooooo looking forward to seeing those bunch of people!
Friday, August 15, 2008
the stars that i'm talking about are those that you get from your primary teachers when you get full marks for your spelling or test.
yes she is that funnyy.
but just about thirty minutes ago,
i've been slammed by the other lecturer that my work is substandard and that i am not putting in enough effort.
i am vexed.
i dont know where i'm going and where i'm heading in my academic work alreadyy..
i thought i was doing well and maybe not take a five step jump every week but i thought i had already moved up two levels.
damn i was wrongg.
oh well..
in any case,
one step at a time..
i want to be better than i was, because i will be.
i dont know how sometimes a certain word or action can lead to something major.
major in terms of something that'll sort of lead you to think about your past,
memories return.
sometimes not those too nice ones.
i just wonder.
it's amazing how much we can remember thought it's just a simple flashback.
in case you're wondering,
no it's not about those unworthy ones.
it's about family.
my family.
family i dont even know how to communicate with them sometimes.
that's sad right?
thank god for the wonderful friends i have whom i have chosen to confide in.
go check out the band fireflight.
they are an awesome band that i've been digging since this morning.
my sunday will prolly be spent sitting in the gallery.
cause i've agreed to help out at the fine arts awards thingyy.
means i have to give zouk flea a miss.
no i'm fine.
thinking of the easy 25 bucks.
i wanna go drinking and dancing.
maybe tomorrow night.
maybe tonight..
oh well..
i am tired..
Monday, August 11, 2008
this is exactly how i am feeling right now.
no whys alright.
i dont even know why to be completely honest.
coldplay, carrie underwood and mariah carey and on rotation on my ipod now.
it's all those sort of more 'depressed' songs that's playing.
emo would be a better choice of the word used.
what a shame.
let's move on to avril lavigne, katy perry and pussycat dolls soon.
the happier bunch of ladees.
today's been a pretty nice monday.
everything was pretty much ookaayyy.
research methods is such a bitch.
especially the theory part.
i like the presentation of my fellow beautiful classmates but not too much a fan of that damn discussion.
it's like when i wanna speak out,
i get drowned by other nonsensical voices.
so i remained silence.
then the lecturer will ask my questions and i will be hunt down with a major question mark.
school school school..
so much to do i dont even know where to begin.
now i'm scaredd.
in brighter news,
jb tomorrow morning.
and bali in oct.
hello mr relax.
holla atcha!
that's so blayne.
blayne walsh from project runway season five is so damn fine.
did i mention daniel feld is also kinda hot too?
okayy, have fun.
i shall start on my mapping memoryy.
a r g h !
Sunday, August 10, 2008
casual significancee.
"it's nice to know that you were theree
thanks for acting like you cared
and making me feel like I was the only onee
it's nice to know we had it all
thanks for watching as I fall
and letting me know we were doneee."
- avril lavigne "my happy ending"
"these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erasee"
- evanescence "my immortal"
"...tears come streaming down your facee
when you lose something you can't replacee
when you love someonee
but it goes to wastee
could it be worsee?"
- coldplay "fix you"
in case you're wondering,casual significance refers to some song lyrics which i can relate to at a particular moment.
the cyclee.
why have i been committing the same 'crime' over and over again.
someone, please tell me why?
the cycle of repeating this damn thing is somehow
turning me into a different person.
making feel like shit all the time.
and hoping for things to go back to yesterdays.
some songs have been pretty awesome.
namely the older ones.
the made me feel like when i am feeling as shitty as ever,
these people who wrote those songs were feeling the same way too.
i am not alone in this world.
they just spoke it in the word of music and putting it across in nicer words with melody.
look out for the next 'casual significance'..
so i turned twenty two days back..
thanks to eleanor, gracia, rischka, serena, dasimah, jasmine, tiffany, shihan and bff manfred for organising such an amazing surprise party for me and shihan.
i cannot thank you guys enough for all those wonderful food..
we had steamboat in school,
in the balcony area just outside our studio.
it was a really really pleasant surprise.
and thanks to serena for bringing that steamboat thingy.
and of course thank you to manfred for making me carry my heavy stuff to and from school!
so nice to now that you planned it with bighead eleanor.
thanks to everyone who made it so sweet and yummilicious.
the choco banana cake without any traces of nuts and raisins.
thank you all!!
and also thanks to one and all who sent me a text, message on friendster, fridae or myspace, comment on friendster or myspace, called me..
sorry if i didnt reply but big big hugs to you for remembering my birthdayy.
so i caught the gay-themed film, shelter last night.
it was a very sweet and pretty touching film i have to say.
a movie on exploring sexuality and making different choices in life which revolves around love, family and friends.
please catch it if you have the chance.
youtube have the full film in multiple parts.
but it's worth spending eighty-eight minutes on.
i think this twenty year old grandfather have been typing way too much this time around.
rainy sundays make me lazyy.
back to research methods' drawingg..
ohhh shucks!
to you.
somehow i thought you're unlike anyone i've met before.
indeed you are.
we shared an intense week together but things didnt work out as i have wished for.
then we agreed on being friends but shit happens.
then we burnt out.
a simple element of trust is not there.
i should be hating you but i aint.
i should have let you go but you did first.
i should have said goodbye but i have chosen to cling on.
now the one who is losing out on is me.
i have no one to blame but me, myself and i.
now i am nothing but a fool, a clown who have made a fool out of myself.
i just had to ring you up when i got really drunk the other night.
shame on me.
i dont remember what i've said throughout that eleven minutes phonecall.
maybe i said some silly things but i know i meant it.
but i am gonna choose to go back on my words now.
whatever that could've been said doesnt stand for long.
i need to move away and move on.
i am now looking at things from a third party's view.
we have different purposes.
sex is not what i am after.
i am after something that might not even exist.
settling down and being loved.
in any case,
i wish you well in all you do.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
new found gloryy.
i have no idea what kinda songs new found glory play,
no idea how did the members look like.
and have never heard anything of them in anyday of my life.
except the fact that paramore's hayleyy was dating one of them.
which one,
sorry, i dont know.
this is just how bad my research was for this year's singfest.
all i know was melee and jason mraz <3
maybe cause i own their albums and was very very excited to meet them in personn.
heh heh.
backk on track..
the boys of new found glory are very nice people actually.
they arent unfriendly or whatsoever..
initially i was scared cause i saw those tattooed arms and legs.
damn me and my stereotypes..
in anycase,
if you are a fan of new found glory and didnt get the chance to catch them live,
not to worry,
i got word from one of the boys that they will be heading back on our shores soon enough.
how soon?
i was told feb or mar next year..
look out y'all!!
lead vocalist jordan pundikk..

with these boys,
it marks the fullstop of the whole photo collection from singfest this year.
what an exciting three days..
and i cant wait for singfest 2009!!
rickk astleyyy.
he look sorta unlike what i had seen of him on promo pictures and on his web.
but thank god manfred and i spotted him while he was making his way to go shopping.
he was nice though.
i heard he doesnt even have a record label now and
he's pretty much one of those very few has-beens who are still actually touringg,
and singing songs they've sung over two million times?
okay, i'm sorry if i sounded mean.
but no hard feelings okayy?
just thought i should be completely honest with my thoughts.
heh heh.
in short,
he's a pretty nice old man..

Friday, August 8, 2008
happy twenTEEN me!

happy birthday to me.
happy birthday daniel looooooo.
happy birthday to me.
heh heh.
so i am now
i am still a happy boy as before.
only difference.
i have more things on my mind than ever.
school is enough to drain me.
but i will still be happy with the multiple blessings i've been blessed with.
the past couple of months have been very intense
and that was when i was 19.
i am twenty now.
i need to have a more focused direction in life.
perspecitive needs to change.
i dont need a man to make me happy.
i just want to be happy on my own with the people i have around me.
thank you to everyone who have been a part of my life for the past 19 years.
you have made me a stronger person in ways you never thought about.
thank you.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
scottish travis.
fran healyy.

dougie paynee.

andy dunlopp.

neil primrosee.

crowned kinggg.

guitarist rugen lewis.drunkard chris lambert.
bassist adam brown.last but not least,
web guy and trombone player,
jonny biggs..
ppanic at the discoooo.
it was a whole scene of madness with over 30 thousand fans gathered to welcome them.
of course,
i am bullshitting.
but the airport was madness when they arrived.
lots of pushing and lots of 'brendon!', 'ryan!' screams from those fans.
you just wish they can do this in a more orderly manner and be nice and civilised fans.
we do have our moment of shamefulness as well...
heh heh.
'nuff said!
here are the snaps..
first up,
manfred's favourite member of panic,
brendon urie.

he looks so good and flawless.
and he is soooo soft spoken.
and did i mention he looks like a little baby boy tucked in his dad's old clothes?
ryan rossssssss..

drummer spencer smith.

and this is bassist jon walkerr..

i think i am getting better and better at this!
dont you love my panic at the disco's entry intro?
dearestt? dearest.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
stacie orricoo.
she confuses me.
i cannot put a word to her face.
i just cannot label her.
as soon as i remember her being a complete bitch and super hyper unfriendly,
she becomes super ultra friendly.
and when i have that thought,
she becomes super unfriendly and super bitchy all over again..
oh well..
let's just wish her well and hope her next album will do her good.
so far,
her leaked single is bad..
i mean,
really really bad..
she is turning to somewhere she is uncomfotable at and becoming someone i personally wish she wouldnt..
please preview it on her myspace..
i've warned you,
it is very very badd..
haha haha.
and let's thank god for letting her under control when we met her during singfest.
manfred and joyce both got their albums signed.
and we all managed updated pictures with her..
heh heh heh..

i dont have much to talk about onerepublic.
they arent the most fantastic people to stalk and to joke around with.
in the stalking context,
they are pretty boring.
but they are really friendly though.
considering they've bumped their way from genting then to kuala lumpur then on the plane to singapore..
not exactly my favourite band but i dont hate them as well.
they are just, alrightt.
oh well,
i am pretty hooked onto 'all fall down' and 'stop and stare' for a few couple of hours after previewing their album though..
yes, a couple of hours is better than not even letting me be hooked onto.
dont y'all agree?
first up,
ryan tedder..
who sings lead vocals and plays the piano and a whole string of other insturments.
yes, he is the one who co-wrote leona lewis' 'bleeding love' with jesse mccartney..

on guitars and on backing vocals..

on bass guitar and on glockenspiel (god knows what that is.. HAHA!)

newest member since 2007,
brent kutzle..
who plays the keyboards, cello and does backing vocals..

jamie scotttt.
he sent me a message to check his music out on his myspace page.
and we continued to talk and talk and he told me much about his music..
such a shame that we didnt keep in touch.
and clearly,
he doesnt remember me.
but it's perfectly fine.
he is not one of those major acts anyways.
shit i'm mean!
joyce thinks he resembles nick lachey big time.
but i think he is one pretty good looking brit boy with nice blue eyes.
nice body shape.
weird american accent for a british thoughh.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
this is my fave band right now.
all thanks to bobby who introduced me to the band and now i am so hooked onto them.
and after meeting them,
i realised i am even more hooked!
so friggin' down to earth and sooo gooood lookin'.
one of the more good looking bands of singfest this year.
whatever it is,
in case you havent heard of them,
think again.
you prolly had on radio..
please google or youtube search 'mêlée built to last'.
you'll know what i mean..
photos are in..
lead singer, chris cronnn.. who also plays the piano and guitar..

ricky sans, the lead guitarist and backing vocals..
on bass and backing vocals, ryan. ryan malloyy. last but not the least, my favourite member of mêléeee,
drummer and backing vocals, mike naderrr! :D
and just before they leave town and jet for london,
i managed a group pic with the boys!
to be completely honest with you guys,
i took at least two pictures with each of them..
yes, four with drummer mike.. :P
yes i am greedy,
VERY greedy in fact..
i dont get to see them everyday anywayss..
(this is like the best excuse, EVER!)
Monday, August 4, 2008
hello aug.
i dont usually have no idea how to start my entry but here i am bumping into some useless trouble.
hope you guys have had a great past three days since entering august.
i certainly did have an awesome one,
all thanks to singfest.
i mean i thank the people for making singfest possible and for bringing in some acts i dont think will ever pop by for a promo nor a full length concert.
pictures are in the process of being resized, uploaded (and everything in between)..
so please hang on a little longer for them.
you dont have to wait too long..
just a few more bands left to resize.
just to keep you in the loop who to expect to see..
not in any particular order after the first one.
jamie scott
panic at the disco
stacie orrico
rick astley
crowned king
new found glory
simple plan
each band/act will have their own thread when it's up.
so it's easier for me to fantasize in future.
(especially for melee!)
i miss them alreadyy.
the boys of melee rocks.
musically, lyrically, personally.
i get everything and more i want.
heh heh.
SIMON, SAMMIE, EVELYN and warner music singapore..
PLEASE get the boys back!!
it's been a pretty (or rather, VERY) intense last couple of days.
and todayy in school,
though no class except some pretty energy draining artists' talks,
we still have lots of work that need to be completed.
wish me luckk.
something exciting is happening tomorrow.
wish me luck on that too..
i need to be in bed early tonight.
i presumed it's gon be another long day tomorrow..
okay bye y'all!
happy great week ahead.
four days to turning twenTEEN!