this is my fave band right now.
all thanks to bobby who introduced me to the band and now i am so hooked onto them.
and after meeting them,
i realised i am even more hooked!
so friggin' down to earth and sooo gooood lookin'.
one of the more good looking bands of singfest this year.
whatever it is,
in case you havent heard of them,
think again.
you prolly had on radio..
please google or youtube search 'mêlée built to last'.
you'll know what i mean..
photos are in..
lead singer, chris cronnn.. who also plays the piano and guitar..

ricky sans, the lead guitarist and backing vocals..
on bass and backing vocals, ryan. ryan malloyy. last but not the least, my favourite member of mêléeee,
drummer and backing vocals, mike naderrr! :D
and just before they leave town and jet for london,
i managed a group pic with the boys!
to be completely honest with you guys,
i took at least two pictures with each of them..
yes, four with drummer mike.. :P
yes i am greedy,
VERY greedy in fact..
i dont get to see them everyday anywayss..
(this is like the best excuse, EVER!)