she confuses me.
i cannot put a word to her face.
i just cannot label her.
as soon as i remember her being a complete bitch and super hyper unfriendly,
she becomes super ultra friendly.
and when i have that thought,
she becomes super unfriendly and super bitchy all over again..
oh well..
let's just wish her well and hope her next album will do her good.
so far,
her leaked single is bad..
i mean,
really really bad..
she is turning to somewhere she is uncomfotable at and becoming someone i personally wish she wouldnt..
please preview it on her myspace..
i've warned you,
it is very very badd..
haha haha.
and let's thank god for letting her under control when we met her during singfest.
manfred and joyce both got their albums signed.
and we all managed updated pictures with her..
heh heh heh..